The ACI Payment Gateway

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This document details single and recurring credit or debit card transactions and bank transactions via the ACI gateway.

If you wish to process recurring payments you will need to have this feature enabled by ACI, as well as make the necessary changes in Engaging Networks.

Using the ACI gateway, we can currently process donations from Visa, MasterCard, American Express, and Discover credit cards.

We strongly recommend that you explicitly confirm the payment methods and currencies available to you with ACI.

Setting up a gateway

It is recommended that you create and keep two separate gateway records in your account, one for testing and one linked to your live gateway. Donation pages should be linked to a test gateway initially, and then switched to a live gateway before launch. To create each one:

  1. Go to Hello (username) > Account Settings > Gateways
  2. Click ‘new payment gateway’ to create a new entry
  3. The fields are set up as follows:
Field Description
Reference name A unique name for the gateway. It is a good idea for the name to include the type of gateway (eg. ACI Test), the currency, and whether it is a live or test gateway.
Select gateway Select the ACI gateway.
Username The username for your ACI account
Password The password for your ACI account
Business ID Given to you by ACI with your account credentials
Division ID Given to you by ACI with your account credentials
Test mode Should be checked for a test gateway, but must be unchecked for a gateway that will accept live donations.

Required form fields

The following fields need to be set up in the default supporter record and then added to the form in ‘build’.

Basic required fields:

Form Field Value type Comments
Email Address Alphanumeric Email address identifying the supporter record
Payment Type Alpha

*This is optional if the page only accepts credit card payment types, but is required if other types like ACH are accepted on the same form.

Credit cards = CreditCard (the specific type will be detected on the form and captured with the transaction)

Donation Amount Numeric May be entered as a whole number or number with two decimal places. Eg. Twelve dollars may be entered as ’12’ or ‘12.00’. You may want to consider using the ‘select with input’ or ‘radio with input’ field types.
First Name Alpha The cardholder’s first name.
Last Name Alpha The cardholder’s last name.
Address 1 Alphanumeric The first address line of the cardholder
City Alpha The address city of the cardholder
Region Alpha The address region of the cardholder. For the US and Canada, this should be a 2 character code for the state/province. For other countries, it is a free text field.
Country Alpha The country of the cardholder. This should be a 2 character ISO code.
ZIP/ postal code Alphanumeric The post/postal/zip code of the
Credit Card Holder Name Alpha The name on the credit card

Additional fields required for card payments

Form Field Value type Description
Credit Card Number Token Credit card number w/o spaces
Credit Card Expiration Date Format must be MMYY. It is strongly recommended that you use the ‘split select’ field type for this form field.

Credit Card Verification value

(CVV2 or CVC2)

Token The additional Card Verification Value printed on the card, used for fraud checks.

Additional Fields for Recurring Payments

Form Field Value Description
Recurring Payment Alpha Submitting ‘Y’ will flag the transaction as a recurring payment. Any other value will result in a single payment.
Recurring Frequency Alpha Permitted values are DAILY, MONTHLY, QUARTERLY, SEMI_ANNUAL and ANNUAL.
Recurring Day Numeric The day of the month on which the recurring payment should be taken. (1-29 are allowed)

Processing ACH

Required Fields for ACH Payments

Form Field Value Description
Email Address Alphanumeric Email address identifying the supporter record
Payment Type Alpha ACH should be used
Donation Amount Numeric May be entered as a whole number or number with two decimal places. Eg. Twelve Euro may be entered as ’12’ or ‘12.00’. You may want to consider using the ‘select with input’ or ‘radio with input’ field types.
Bank Account Number Numeric Account number
Bank Routing Number Numeric This is the routing number for the ACH payment

Testing donation pages

Provided that you are using a gateway set up in test mode, you can use some dedicated card details to test payments. If you are testing with PSD2, then you will need to use different card details.

Visa 4120300909000003
MasterCard 5102590909090900
Amex 371256509288675
Discover 6011595932208781
ACH Routing: 031000011
Account: any number combination

Your card expiry should be a future date. All other fields may take any valid value for testing.

To test a decline you should use a donation amount of $100.5.

You should not submit real credit card or bank account details to a test configuration.

Updated on February 22, 2024

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