Parkinsons UK: Building an integrated national and local digital and offline campaign

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Benali Hamdache (Campaigns Engagement Manager, Parkinson’s UK)
Jess Lincoln (Senior Marketing Officer, Parkinson’s UK)
Jack Grant (Local Campaigns Officer, Parkinson’s UK)

People with Parkinson’s aren’t getting their medication on time in hospital. In fact Parkinson’s UK’s most recent audit found over half of people going into hospital were getting at least some medicine late. The impact can be devastating, with people sometimes losing the ability to walk and talk. The levers for fixing this problem are multifaceted. It relies on local hospitals changing policies and resourcing. It needs leadership from the NHS. In 2019, Parkinson’s UK launched an integrated digital and offline campaign, bringing together volunteers and online supporters to campaign for change. They’ll discuss how they used Engaging Networks, social media and local networks to recruit and train volunteers, contact decision makers and grow their supporter base.

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